From Surviving to Thriving: Shoring Up Your Small Business for a New Normal 4-Part Series

Date and time





Suzanne Cichuniec

Host organization

OCIE Small Business Development Lead Network Center

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

August 6: Strategy and Planning

You need to set overall goals for your business and develop a plan to achieve them. What gets in the way? Running the business! In this session, you’ll learn how to step back from your day-to-day operations and consider where your business is headed and what its priorities should be.

August 13: Finances

This session reviews the building blocks of sound financial management that lets you plan for contingencies and make good decisions for your business. We’ll discuss ideas for improving your cash position, evaluating your expenses, conducting reliable financial forecasting, and more.

August 20: Operations

Understanding and continuously optimizing how things get done in your business is critical to your success. This session teaches you how to drive efficiency as we review key operating processes to help you streamline, simplify, and focus on what matters most.

August 27: Sales and Marketing

In this session, figure out how to satisfy customer needs with your products and services despite current challenges. We’ll review what you’re offering, who your customers are, and how you can successfully market to them.
