Planning Your Business with The Business Model Canvas

Date and time





ted galantowicz

Host organization

Buffalo Niagara SCORE

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Planning is an important factor in ensuring success for a business. Traditionally this has meant the creation of a structured, detailed, multi-paged, written Business Plan. However, entrepreneurs can consider the critical aspects of creating and running their business by utilizing the Business Model Canvas.

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management tool to quickly and easily define and communicate a business idea or concept. It is a one-page document which works through fundamental elements of a business or product. The BMC does not replace the eventual need for a business plan, but it is a valuable planning tool in advance of creating a formal business plan. It also can serve as a basis for developing an investor pitch.

In this webinar our presenter will focus on the basics of the BMC: the 9 key elements of the BMC and how the tool can be used in planning. A practical example will be used to demonstrate how each of the sections of the Canvas would be completed.

Note that this webinar is being offered in advance of an in-person clinic on the BMC scheduled for the morning of July 26. Webinar registrants are automatically registered for the clinic.
