Do You Think You Need a Business Plan? Let Us Help You Take the Anxiety Out of Creating One

Date and time





Heather Turner - SCORE

Host organization

SCORE Granite Region

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Online Workshop

A business plan is your road map to success. It establishes the destination and the route you must follow to get there. 

Whether you wish to sell a product or a service online or in person, your purpose should be to clarify how you can provide value to your customers. This workshop will teach you how to use a simple instrument to focus on two key aspects of your business as well as other important components that will serve as the foundation for your business plan. 

The Business Model Canvas, a one-page, simple yet effective vehicle that has been taught at over 200 business schools across the country, enables a business owner to envision, test, and confirm the critical elements of his or her business idea. It can also be the basis for a full-scale business plan if your business needs funding. 

Presenter Terry Zysk: Terry can help you start and build a scalable information technology business. As coach and mentor, she can guide you through the business modeling and planning process as you work to align your ideas with market need. With more than 20 years in startups from pre-revenue through high growth, she can share experiences related to bringing your initial offering to market. As you achieve success with early adopters, she can help you leverage those wins to accelerate the growth of your business. At each stage of your business’ evolution, she can offer best practices to further develop a cohesive, high performing team and efficient, scalable operation. As your role evolves, she can also help you grow as an effective entrepreneurial leader. Regardless of where you are in this journey, she can offer perspective and insight for consideration as you determine your pathway to success.
