Buying or Selling Your Business

Date and time



Cloudport CoWorking
63 Federal St.
Portland, ME 04101

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Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Do you want to buy a business, or do you have a business you would like to sell? If so, it's probably a new experience for you, and the current economic uncertainties can make the process seem even more daunting.

Advisors may help, but ultimately it's not their time, money, or effort at risk.

This workshop will help answer these questions:

  • Are you really a buyer or seller?
  • How do you value a business?
  • What are common issues and problems encountered in a business sale?
  • What is Due Diligence?
  • What will you need to do to finalize a business acquisition?
  • Are banks even lending during this crisis?

Avoid common mistakes by asking the right questions and understanding how the process works!

Presented by SCORE Mentor Brian Hansen, president of Maine Business Brokers.
