US Patent and Trademarks Series: Filing a Provisional or Non-Provisional Utility Patent Application

Date and time




Sherrika Industrious-Phillips

Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Join the United States Patent and Trademark Office as they share this information from the Eastern Regional Outreach Office. 

This session addresses important considerations when filing a U.S. patent application including both provisional and non-provisional type utility applications. The content and format of both application types will be discussed, also addressing the necessary USPTO forms and fees, which accompany a filing. The unique nature of patent claim drafting will also be touched upon during this session. 

Presenter Ramon Mercado joined the US Patent and Trademark Office as a Patent Examiner, specializing in computer memory and storage. Alongside examining patents, he played a role in training new hires at the patent training academy. Currently, Ramon serves as the assistant outreach coordinator for the Eastern Region Outreach Office of the USPTO; where he focuses on educating the public on Intellectual Property and helping demystify the patent process.

This presentation includes a Q&A session.
