The Art of Grant-Writing

Date and time


Event cost





Shirley Juster

Host organization

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

A nonprofit grant is a sum of money given by a government, corporation, or foundation for a specific purpose and used to further the mutual mission between the grantee and grantor. This training provides a comprehensive overview of the process for developing a standard nonprofit grant proposal that can be used multiple times to pursue funding. Because the grant proposal serves as your template for grant-applications, EVERY nonprofit should have one!


At the conclusion of the training workshop, you should be able to:

  • Describe the three primary sources for grant funding.
  • Describe the 8 standard sections of a grant-proposal.
  • Understand key information to include in each section.
  • Understand why funding applications are denied and what to do about it.
  • Locate some of the best sources for finding grants .


Intended Audience: This course is designed to help pre-startup, newly formed, and small to mid-sized nonprofits position themselves for grant funding opportunities. Suitable for all levels of experience.

 This is an interactive workshop for which we encourage your participation. The recording and slides will be sent only to those who attend.


About the Presenter: Cheryl Smith is the CEO of Dewlyn Nonprofit Services, a Metro Atlanta based consulting firm, where she helps U.S. nonprofit organizations build sustainability through training, coaching, and grant-writing. Cheryl is also the author of the book, “21 Ways to Fund a Nonprofit;” she’s a member of the American Grant Writers' Association; and she is a nonprofit trainer for SCORE chapters, as well as a guest speaker for many public, private, and Faith-Based Organizations. In 2020, Cheryl launched the Community Heroes Program to work specifically with small nonprofit organizations in need of board development and funding. As a champion for the nonprofit community, Cheryl supports more than 3,000 nonprofit leaders each year, and she has successfully secured millions of dollars in government and private foundation grants for organizations that she has aligned with. Broadly, Cheryl’s specialty is

building capacity in people and organizations, and helping them to reach their highest and best potential.
