Boost Your Business - The Do's and "Donuts" of Digital Advertising

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Lone Spur Golf Club, 2750 Sibley Memorial Hwy
Eagan, MN 55121

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Twin Cities SCORE

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Join us in July for a workshop on the Dos and "Donuts" of Digital Advertising. Generating new leads can be exhausting and expensive, taking up your valuable time and resources. Many companies "donut" have the expertise necessary to create effective digital marketing strategies and instead find themselves overwhelmed by the effort needed to gain a lead and underwhelmed with their overall ROI.  
Join Caryn Butler, COO of Triton Commerce to learn why it doesn’t have to be that way! She'll cover what to do when it comes to digital marketing for the best results and a "sweet" return on investment.   
Attendees will gain insight into:

• Identifying the appropriate audience for your brand and offerings
• Choosing the most effective strategy, platform, and medium
• Measuring and adjusting based on results
• DIY vs. outsourcing
