2 Simple Questions to Master Your Financial Reports

Date and time





Taya Brown

Host organization

Temple SBDC

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

A training session to teach participants about the importance of having AND analyzing financial reports that reflect the health of their business. The workshop will, also, guide participants through a simple process, using two simple questions, to analyze those reports to identify opportunities for improvement and growth.

The workshop will touch on which financial reports are most important to have for a small business and whether the level of detail in those reports is or is not necessary. The bulk of the presentation will be spent on how to use these 2 very simple questions to get a detailed understanding of what is happening in their business. Participants will also learn how to use the findings from asking these 2 simple questions to develop concrete ways to identify root causes of their business challenges and to identify specific strategies to grow and improve their business.

Participants will walk away with:

    - understanding the 3 financial reports that are a MUST have for every business

    - the 2 simple questions, that a 5 year old can ask, to get an MBA-level understanding of your business' issues & the right strategies

        that will lead to growth for your business 

    - understanding of the 5 areas that ALL business growth comes from

    - the 3 financial numbers that you need to monitor for to track progress and success

    - how to double the profits of your business without spending any additional money and using the concepts from this workshop
