How to be an Entrepreneur while working your day job

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1150 South Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76104

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Host organization

SCORE Fort Worth

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

In this is a hands-on interactive workshop, we will discuss our personal journey of balancing entrepreneurship while maintaining a full-time job. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur with a passion project or an established professional looking to expand your business ventures, this class is designed to provide practical strategies and actionable tips to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of managing both roles effectively. 

Topics Covered:

Strategy Development: How to use your business plan as a living document and have a strategic plan of action. If you don't have a business plan yet, you will get some good ideas for one after this workshop.

Time Management: Learn how to optimize your time, prioritize tasks, and create a productive schedule that accommodates your day job and entrepreneurial pursuits. Work-Life integration is key.

Mindset Shift: What's your best role or position while you shift your mindset to being entrepreneurial driven. Explore the mindset shifts required to juggle multiple roles, stay motivated, and overcome common obstacles faced by entrepreneur-professionals. 

Financial Management: Understand how to manage finances, budget effectively, and make wise investment decisions to support your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Networking: How to build the right network. Discover strategies for networking, building professional relationships, and leveraging your connections to support your entrepreneurial journey.

Self-Care for your journey: Learn the importance of self-care, stress management, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance while pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. 

This class is ideal for professionals, freelancers, and aspiring entrepreneurs looking to maximize their potential while achieving work-life integration and harmony. You can thrive in both your day job and entrepreneurial ventures.

Christie Eckler: As a certified woman-owned business owner, CME Consulting LLC, her firm’s guiding purpose has always been helping those who help others.

John X Hernandez: Senior Strategist & Partner at CME Consulting LLC. Has has a deep commitment to business and non-profit communities.
