SCORE: How to Develop Your Business Idea Before You Start Your Business Plan

Date and time





SCORE Silicon Valley

Host organization

SCORE Silicon Valley

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Do you want to start a business but not sure if your idea is feasible? Or do you need help gathering your thoughts into a viable business idea and business model?

During this hands-on workshop you will learn the essential steps of developing and evaluating your business idea, including:

  • What are your options for going into business 
  • How to turn your business idea into a reality
  • How to conduct preliminary research
  • Use a one-page tool in the workshop to evaluate 8 aspects of your company, including customer, cost, pricing and marketing

Key Topics:

  • Common traits and characteristics of entrepreneurs.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of starting a business on your own, buying a franchise or buying an existing business.
  • How to come up with an idea for a product and/or service
  • Develop your business idea in 8 steps.
  • The value and purpose of a formal business plan.

Learning Outcomes:

  • You will be able to compare your personality traits, strengths and weaknesses with those of successful entrepreneurs.
  • You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business on your own versus buying a franchise versus buying an existing business and why it is important to consider all three options.
  • You will learn how to develop your business idea into a business model and determine if it is feasible.
  • You will hear why it is important to prepare a formal business plan if you decide to proceed and an overview of what that plan should include.