Developing Customer Personas

Date and time





Heather Turner

Host organization

SBA Granite Region

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Online Workshop: Developing Customer Personas 

Customer personas can provide tremendous value and insight to your business or soon to be business. They can help develop a deeper understanding of customer needs, wants and how to solve those needs and wants. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers based on data and research. They help focus on who is and who is not a qualified prospect and can help guide new product or service development. Knowing who your ideal customers are is extremely helpful in creating content, developing new products or services, as well as customer retention and acquisition.

Presenter Heather Turner is a Granite Region Certified SCORE mentor. She spent twenty years cooking professionally and in 2003 started her own business (with the assistance of a SCORE mentor). She currently teaches social media and marketing for small businesses and mentors and co-mentors in the chapter for marketing and social media for startup businesses and for existing businesses who need some help and guidance in the digital age. She also specializes in working with the hospitality industry for operations, both starting a food business as well as in business.
