Brand guide

Lender decals

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Advertising Lenders’ Relationship with SBA 

The guidance below is current as of October 10, 2018. Please consult SBA’s SOP 50 10 for the most up-to-date guidance. 

General Information 

A lender may publicize its relationship with SBA, including identifying itself as an SBA participating lender, by placing the appropriate SBA-approved decal on the window of the lending institution or placing identical decal icons on its website. A lender may not use the SBA logo in any manner in any advertisement, brochure, publication or promotional piece, or state or imply that the lender or its borrowers will receive any preferential treatment by SBA.

Use of Window Decals 

The SBA-approved lender decal may only be used to inform the public of the lender’s relationship with SBA and may not be used to promote, or appear to promote, the lender’s non-SBA products or services. Window decals are available from SBA district offices. 

Use of Decal Icons on Website 

The SBA-approved lender decal icon is an exact replica of the window decal and may only be used to inform the public of the lender’s relationship with SBA and may not be used to promote, or appear to promote, the lender’s non-SBA products or services. When using the SBA-approved lender decal icon on a website, the lender must include the following public statement, “Approved to offer SBA loan products under SBA’s Preferred Lender Program” (or SBA Express 2 Program, etc.). 


A lender’s usage of the window/building decal and any identical decal icons on its website may be reviewed as part of the Agency’s lender oversight activities

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Last updated January 28, 2025