Color palette


SBA’s color palette is designed to embody the spirit of American entrepreneurship. Its highly saturated hues feel simultaneously bold and welcoming, modern and familiar.

Primary colors

Using red, white, blue, and grey as the anchor colors, the color palette gives SBA’s brand a patriotic feel and subtly signals SBA’s position as a federal agency. Additionally, blue is traditionally used in business communications to convey trust, confidence, and credibility, and thus will resonate with small business owners. Red is an energy color and captures the passion and enthusiasm that characterizes many entrepreneurs. White allows the eye to rest, and grey lends a modern feel while providing a neutral backdrop for imagery and graphic elements.


  • Note that the SBA grey (#969696) should not be used for text or as a background for white text. An alternative dark grey (#686868) may be used in such instances.
  • All font and/background color combinations must at least meet the WCAG AA level contrast ratio for that text size. For more information, visit WebAIM's Contrast Checker.
  • SBA blue

    SBA blue
    Hex: #002e6d; RGB: 0, 46, 109; PMS: 280
  • SBA red

    SBA red
    Hex: #cc0000; RGB: 204, 0, 0; PMS: 1805
  • SBA grey

    SBA grey
    Hex: #969696; RGB: 150, 150, 150
  • SBA white

    SBA white
    Hex: #ffffff; RGB: 255, 255, 255

Secondary colors

These accent colors add style and sophistication to the primary colors in the palette and also subtly suggest the diverse, vibrant nature of the American small business community. These colors are used to complement the primary colors and make specific design elements such as calls-to-action and buttons “pop.”

  • Secondary blue
    Hex: #007dbc; RGB: 0, 125, 188
  • Secondary black
    Hex: #1b1e29; RGB: 28, 31, 42
  • Secondary green
    Hex: #197e4e; RGB: 25, 126, 78
  • Secondary yellow
    Hex: #f1c400; RGB: 241, 196, 0
Last updated May 16, 2024