Resource Partners and grantees can print copies of SBA’s marketing materials to distribute to small business owners and prospective entrepreneurs.
General materials
- SBA Brochure (These files are meant for printing. View digital versions of the content.)
- SBA National Resource Guides - English / Spanish
- New American Citizen Factsheet
- MySBA Digital Experience (English | Spanish)
SBA funding programs
- Next Steps: Doing Business Post-PPP/EIDL
- Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) flyer
- Increase Your Online Sales in the Global Marketplace: E-Commerce and Digital Opportunities for Businesses
- Funding 101 Factsheet (English | Spanish)
- Surety Bond Overview Factsheet for Sureties Agents
- Surety Bond Overview Factsheet for Procurement Professionals
- Working Capital Pilot Program (Lenders)
- Working Capital Pilot Program For (Borrowers)
International trade
- Take Your Business Global
- Go Global: Expand Your Market (Borrowers) (English | Spanish)
- Global Markets (Lenders)
- Export Working Capital (Borrowers) (English | Spanish)
- Export Working Capital (Lenders)
- Export Express (Lenders) (English) | Spanish)
- Export Express (Borrowers)
- International Trade Loan (Lenders)
- Transaction Based Lending (Borrowers)
- Bid Bonds
- Indirect Exporting
- State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) Grant
- USMCA: Opportunities for Small Business
- U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement: Food & Agricultural Sales
Government contracting
- Government Contracting Factsheet (English | Spanish)
- SBA Manufacturing Factsheet (English | Spanish)
- Government Contracting: Is it for you? Factsheet (English | Spanish)
- Local Procurement Assistance
- Certifications Upgrade Factsheet
8(a) Business Development program
Mentor-Protégé program
- HUBZone Map Changes: What You Need to Know flyer (English | Spanish)
- HUBZone Map Update - Guide for Small Businesses (English | Spanish)
- HUBZone Program Factsheet
- HUBZone Annual Recertification Factsheet
- HUBZone: How Do Program Examinations Work?
- HUBZone Program Improvements: FAQs
- Top Tips for HUBZone Certification
- What is the HUBZone Program’s Governor-Designated Areas Initiative?
- HUBZone Designations flyer
- HUBZone Program Benefits for Tribal Communities flyer
Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB)
- WOSB Factsheet
- Infographic: Changes on the Way-Are you WOSB Ready
- Steps to a Successful WOSB Application Factsheet
- WOSB: Why Certify? Factsheet
- New WOSB Certification Process – Factsheet
- WOSB Maintaining Eligibility and Re-Certification – Factsheet
- Opportunity Zone Business Eligibility Factsheet
- How to Contract with the WOSB Federal Contracting Program
Empower 2 Grow (E2G)
Scorecard factsheets
Counseling & training
Veterans business development
- Office of Veterans Business Development Program Map
- Veterans Business Development Overview Factsheet
- Boots to Business Overview Factsheet
- Veterans Business Outreach Center Program Factsheet
- Surplus Personal Property for Veteran-Owned Small Business Programs Factsheet
- Preparing for SBA Veteran Small Business Certification Factsheet
- Entrepreneurship Training Program Factsheet
- Military Spouse Resources Overview Factsheet
- Military Spouse Pathway to Business Factsheet
- Military Spouse Pathway to Business Online Fact Sheet
- Military Spouse Pathway to Business Online Flyer
- Veteran Small Business Certification Program Overview Factsheet
Disaster Assistance
- When Disaster Strikes Community Impact
- When Disaster Strikes Homeowners and Renters
- When Disaster Strikes Businesses and Nonprofits
- #DigitalGoBag Checklist
- Business Preparedness Guide
- Hazard Checklist-Tornadoes
- Hazard Checklist-Flood
- Hazard Checklist-Hail
- Hazard Checklist-Hurricane
- Hazard Checklist-Wildfire
- 3 Steps to Disaster Loans Trifold
- Disaster Mitigation
COVID-19 vaccine resources
Powered by SBA digital icons
Authorized SBA Resource Partners and grantees can display these Powered by SBA graphics on their marketing materials/websites and can order window decals of these designs from their local SBA District office. Note: these decals are not approved for use by anyone other than authorized SBA Resource Partners and grantees.