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Perspectives, news, and practical information for small businesses

  • 10 Things Savvy Online Marketers Do To Get Web Traffic

    By Anita Campbell on

    Today there are 1.2 billion websites -- or one website for every seven people in the world! That’s a lot of competition. If you want to get traffic to your website, you’re going to have to take the right steps.

  • How To Complain To Your Franchisor To Get An Issue Resolved

    By Joel Libava on

    Occasionally, franchise owners run into problems running their businesses. If you decide to become a franchise owner, who should you communicate with to get an issue you’re experiencing resolved?

  • 5 Key Financial Tips When Starting a Business from Home

    By Marco Carbajo on

    Did you know more than 52% of all small businesses in the U.S. are home based? According to the Small Business Administration, there are more than 28 million small businesses in the United States, making up 99.7 percent of all U.S. businesses.

  • 4 Marketing Mistakes That Can Get You in Legal Trouble

    By Rieva Lesonsky on

    Advertising and marketing is regulated by federal law, and if you’re not on top of the regulations that apply to you, your ads could end up costing you more in fines than they bring in business.

  • Training the Staff You Envision

    By Barbara Weltman on

    For small business owners, it can be difficult to find good job candidates. Small businesses often times have to compete in the job market with large employers offering an attractive menu of fringe benefits.

  • Cultivating a business

    By Linda McMahon on

    Who doesn’t love the freshness of vine-ripened tomatoes, just-picked cucumbers or corn bursting with summer sweetness? This time of year, there’s likely a bounty at your local farmer’s market.

  • Seniors Win in Small Business

    By Bridget Weston Pollack on

    What’s an encore entrepreneur? It might look a lot like you. These are people who might be starting a business for the first time as they near retirement age.

  • Write an Executive Summary

    By Tim Berry on

    Most business owners have a general idea of the executive summary that comes with the traditional business plan. However, in the real world, summaries come up much more often than just in the business plan.

  • Celebrating our heroes

    By Linda McMahon on

    When President Trump asked the members of his Administration to tell him about the American heroes we have encountered in our Cabinet roles, one family instantly came to mind.Rob Leonardis is President of Ember Industries in San Marcos, Texas.

  • The Importance of Market Positioning

    By Tim Berry on

    It’s been several decades now since I first ran into the mental magic of marketing positioning. The diagram here shows it as presented by Philip Kotler in his text Marketing Management, which has been used in business schools for decades.

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