National Small Business Exporter Summit Provides an Opportunity to Learn Directly from the Success Stories

Working in the Office of International Trade at the Small Business Administration (SBA), we are inspired every time we hear a successful export story from an U.S. small business.  This is particularly true when they have used the services of SBA or one of our Federal or state partners in export promotion. 

That is one of the reasons why the SBA will be participating in the 2019 National Small Business Exporter Summit taking place April 9 in Savannah, Georgia.  The National Small Business Exporter Summit is a unique training and networking event that features actual small business exporters sharing their success stories with other small businesses, educators, counselors, and stakeholders.

It is an excellent forum to learn about international trade from top small and medium-sized exporters from across the United States.  Sessions will highlight best-practices and lessons learned that have contributed to each company’s export success.  Summit attendees will leave armed with insights into practical tools, techniques, strategies, and resources they can leverage to guide export expansion. 

Federal government agencies that promote exporting opportunities provide impactful services for small businesses selling to international customers.   Still, as much as we try to get the word out, the best testimony for our services come from real small business exporters.  And there are several Commerce Export Award winners and SBA Exporters of the Year in the mix of honorees and presenters at this year’s event.

Again, SBA will be there, along with other Federal export service providers.  So, if you do make it, please come visit us in the exhibition area.  We look forward to partnering with you to reach new markets and find global customers. 

If you are interested, register online here.

If you cannot attend, the SBA and our federal partners have programs to help you expand into new markets.  Here are a few resources to assist you with growing your business through international sales:

  • To assess your current export readiness, check out these Export Readiness Assessment Tools.
  • Visit for videos with tips to getting started and links to other resources available to small business exporters and those aspiring to sell products and services overseas.
  • Need help with your export business planning?  Consult with your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
  • Are you an established exporter looking to expand into new foreign markets?  The Department of Commerce staffs U.S. Export Assistance Centers around the country that provide assistance with market research and entry.
  • Already have export business that needs financing?  Reach out to one of our SBA International Trade Finance Specialists at U.S. Export Assistance Centers around the country.

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