Archived news release

READOUT: The U.S. Small Business Administration Hosts Webinar for Small Business Owners on Economic Aid and Recovery for Pacific Northwest and Midwest Regions

WASHINGTON: On Thursday, July 15, the U.S. Small Business Administration and Public Private Strategies Institute hosted a Pacific Northwest and Midwest Regions (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska) briefing for small business owners on COVID-19 economic aid and recovery as part of the "Getting Back on Track: Help is Here" webinar series.

Over 1,200 participants joined the livestream briefing featuring U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon). “Because of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s good work, hundreds of small business owners and entrepreneurs were able to get essential resources on how to build back better from this devastating pandemic,” Wyden said. “Here in Congress, I am going to fight tooth and nail to make sure underserved entrepreneurs and small businesses continue to get the support they need to grow their businesses and support good-paying jobs in communities across America.”

Participants joined an in-depth question and answer session with SBA Acting Regional Administrators from Regions 7 & 10, Martin Golden and Leon Milobar, respectively. Mr. Golden and Mr. Milobar provided detailed updates on low-interest disaster relief aid and American Rescue Plan programs, such as the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant and Paycheck Protection Program forgiveness process. They also discussed technical assistance that SBA district offices could provide applicants.

Webinar guests also heard from Dr. Jennifer Shieh, Ph.D., Chief Scientist & Program Manager in the Office of Investment & Innovation, about Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR) Week, which will be held from July 19 to July 23. During SBIR week, SBA will conduct roundtable sessions, one-on-one meetings, and panel discussions to help startups and small businesses transform their high- risk, high-impact technologies into marketable products and services that solve problems. Dr. Shieh shared how SBA is helping entrepreneurs, stating that “connecting science funding agencies with innovators from all backgrounds and across the country can help turn scientific research into solutions to positively improve our lives.”

Rhett Buttle, President of Public Private Strategies Institute, emphasized, “As we continue our Getting Back on Track Tour, we are proud to work with the U.S. Small Business Administration to help small business owners and entrepreneurs learn about resources to build back better.

“We are thrilled to be joined for today’s program by Senator Wyden and Dr. Jennifer Shieh to hear about the important work they are doing for innovation- driven enterprises. We will continue sharing information on access to capital, digital tools, and how small business owners can be vaccine leaders as we build toward a more equitable economy,” said SBA and PPSI organizers.

SBA recommends applicants, interested parties, and qualified entities check these additional resources for economic aid and vaccinations:



Cosponsorship Authorization # 21-0501-14: The SBA’s participation in this cosponsored activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products, or services of any cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

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U.S. Small Business Administration