Archived news release 17-40

SBA Partners with Synergy Solutions to Launch Cybersecurity Online Training Initiative

WASHINGTON –    Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced its partnership with Synergy Solutions to launch a free, new comprehensive ser...

WASHINGTON –    Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced its partnership with Synergy Solutions to launch a free, new comprehensive series of web-based cybersecurity training containing up to 10 modules to educate 7(j) eligible small businesses about cybersecurity and steps they can take to protect their company’s assets and intellectual property.  While the classes are free, they are first come, first serve and will accommodate no more than 50 participants at a time. To register, visit:

“I am impressed by the thoroughness of this cybersecurity training as it provides timely and vital help to all of our SBA small business clients,” said Robb Wong, Associate Administrator for Government Contracting and Business Development.    “Ostensibly, it helps businesses with best-practices to reduce digital threats to a company’s data and information which is often central to their business operations.”

Synergy Solutions will provide web-based training services to 7(j)-eligible businesses nationwide that are in the developmental and transitional stages of the SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program.  The 7(j) program is administered through the SBA’s Office of Management and Technical Assistance Program and its mission is to provide high-quality assistance and executive training to eligible small businesses.  Through this training, participants will learn how to most effectively secure information through best cybersecurity practices, identify their risk and the types of cyber threats, and learn best practices for guarding against cyber threats.

The following individuals and businesses are automatically eligible to receive 7(j) training:

  • Small businesses that are owned and controlled by economically and socially disadvantaged individuals;
  • Small businesses located in areas of high unemployment or low income;
  • Small businesses owned by low-income individuals; and
  • Certified 8(a) participants or HUBZone small businesses; or economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses.

Topics covered through this training initiative include but are not limited to:

  • secure passwords;
  • malware, privacy;
  • data breaches;
  • safe computing;
  •  online scams;
  • mobile protection;
  • phishing;
  • government generated frameworks (NIST); and
  • cybersecurity pertaining to federal contractors.

The entry level training classes cover basic cybersecurity awareness and current cyber risks to federal contractors and small businesses.  The intermediate level training classes include more advanced federal cybersecurity and information assurance requirements and policy compliance and assessment areas.  This training initiative also offers an assessment tool for use by all eligible participants that they can use to assess their company’s cybersecurity maturity.

About Synergy Solutions, Inc.

Synergy Solutions, Inc. is an SBA-certified 8(a) and economically disadvantaged, woman-owned small business headquartered in Oak Ridge, Tennessee with more than 100 employees and associates who have provided comprehensive, value-added security services and proven cybersecurity solutions to a wide variety of clients and customers since 2003.  In addition, the company provides a full spectrum of administrative and professional support services for nuclear facility operations, as well as security, environmental, health and safety services.

About SBA’s Office of Management and Technical Assistance

The SBA’s Office of Management and Technical Assistance Program is authorized by the Small Business Act to provide high-quality assistance to eligible small businesses.  The program’s assistance encompasses a wide spectrum of business courses such as accounting, marketing, strategic and operational planning, financial analysis, business development, contract management, compliance and various business related software applications.  The courses offered vary and are aligned based upon the needs of the local business community and marketplace.  A key goal of the program is to help firms successfully compete for federal, state and local contracting opportunities as a prime contractor or subcontractor.  This free training is provided by SBA through its nationwide network of resource partners and vendors.  To learn more about the program or to sign up for training, please contact your local SBA district office.


About the Small Business Administration (SBA)

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 and since January 13, 2012, has served as a Cabinet-level agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.  The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses.  Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, the SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.



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U.S. Small Business Administration