Archived news release 17-31

President Trump Proclaims Small Business Week

WASHINGTON – National Small Business Week celebrations commenced in the nation’s capital at the US Institute of Peace with more than 85 national award...

WASHINGTON – National Small Business Week celebrations commenced in the nation’s capital at the US Institute of Peace with more than 85 national award winners from across the country and U.S. territories convening to be awarded and recognized for their major accomplishments.  The two-day award ceremony will conclude with the announcement of the National Small Business Person of the Year and three runners-up.

The annual event is hosted by the U.S. Small Business Administration and is designed to recognize the nation’s top small businesses, entrepreneurs, and business advocates. The week-long event will continue through May 6, with SBA Administrator Linda McMahon hosting planned national events in New York, Indianapolis, Dallas and Fresno, Calif.

In his April 28th proclamation declaring April 30 – May 6 as Small Business Week, President Donald Trump stated, “Small business owners embody the American pioneering spirit and remind us that determination can turn aspiration into achievement.  This week, we affirm our commitment to removing government barriers to the success of American small businesses.” He added “America's small business owners transform ideas into reality.  They are a strong testament to the opportunities a market economy affords.  During this week, we recognize the incredible contributions small businesses make to our country and pledge to foster the conditions that enable them to prosper and thrive.”

The President’s proclamation closes with “by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 30 through May 6, 2017, as Small Business Week.  I call upon all Americans to recognize the critical contributions of America's entrepreneurs and small business owners as they grow our Nation's economy.”

The full text of the President’s Small Business Week proclamation can be found here.

Throughout National Small Business Week, events will be live-streamed. In addition there will be free webinars/webcasts covering:

  • The U.S. Economic Outlook and its Impact on Small Businesses
  • 5 Fabulous Habits of Local Business Champions
  • Grow Your Business Online
  • The Future of Small Business Innovation
  • How to Write Your Email Content in 15 Minutes or Less

To see the city-by-city schedule and to register for the webinars or view live-streamed events please visit



About the U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 and since January 13, 2012 has served as a Cabinet-level agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.  The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses.  Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, the SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.

Cosponsorship Authorization #SBW2017 SBA’s participation in this cosponsored activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any Cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA/SCORE programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.  Contact: sends e-mail). SCORE is partially funded by SBA Cooperative Agreement No. SBAHQ-14-S-0001.

Media contacts

U.S. Small Business Administration