Archived news release MA16-06

Social Media Tips for Small Business Recovery Presented at Free Webinar

WASHINGTON – When a crisis hits your small business, getting the right message out quickly can protect your brand and speed up the recovery process.  ...

WASHINGTON – When a crisis hits your small business, getting the right message out quickly can protect your brand and speed up the recovery process.  Increasingly, organizations are relying on social media to get ahead of and dispel misinformation that can lead to a tarnished reputation, and even failure of the company.

Get tips on creating a crisis communications plan using social media during a free webinar on Feb. 16, co-hosted by Agility Recovery and the U.S. Small Business Administration. The discussion will include:

  • Effective uses of various social media platforms
  • Simple first steps toward building a crisis communications plan
  • Best practices based on recent disasters

A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

The SBA has partnered with Agility Recovery to offer business continuity strategies through its “PrepareMyBusiness” website. Visit to check out past webinars and to download helpful disaster preparedness checklists.

The SBA provides disaster recovery assistance in the form of low-interest loans to homeowners, renters, private nonprofits and businesses of all sizes. To learn more, visit

WHAT:  “Social Media and Disaster Recovery”
WHEN:   Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016 – 2 to 3 p.m. ET
HOW:    Space is limited. Register at









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U.S. Small Business Administration