Archived news release 13-48

SBA Partners with Microsoft to Deliver Technology e-Learning Series

WASHINGTON – The newest resource to help small business owners more efficiently use technology to run their businesses is being provided to help grow ...

WASHINGTON – The newest resource to help small business owners more efficiently use technology to run their businesses is being provided to help grow their businesses and create jobs. The Business Technology Simplified online course series teaches the benefits of using modern technology that can take businesses to the next level of success.

“We are excited to partner with Microsoft to offer online courses that will provide entrepreneurs with technology-focused tools and resources to build their businesses and create jobs,” said SBA Administrator Karen Mills. “We know that technology-savvy small businesses can increase sales, expand their customer base and even attract new business opportunities through exporting.”

The U.S. Small Business Administration and Microsoft developed this free online course series, available at, as a guide to using technology to improve business productivity and creativity.

“Microsoft is proud to partner with the SBA on the Business Technology Simplified e-learning course,” said Cindy Bates, vice president of Microsoft’s U.S. Small-and-Midsize Business group. “The Business Technology Simplified course is a valuable resource that guides entrepreneurs and business owners through technology considerations for business and highlights the importance of running a business on modern technology.”

Business Technology Simplified covers a range of technology related areas that are of vital significance to small business owners who want to have a competitive edge that allows them to run a business more resourcefully.  The series features three online courses that cover basic technology tools from creating marketing materials and storing information to accounting upgrades and reducing hardware.

Each module of the Business Technology Simplified online course series provides tips on how to use modern technology and innovation in the day-to-day operation of a business.  Business owners will learn practical, relevant and easy to use approaches to save time and money, reach more customers, and take advantage of the current business software.

Some of the topics covered in the series include: 

  • Desktop Technology Benefits
  • Saving Time Using Technology
  • Using Web-Based Services
  • Reaching More Customers by Extending Your Business Online, and
  • Managing Your Sales Pipeline

The course series is self-paced and offers practical guidance on how to apply technology to help small companies build and grow.  Each course offers quick access and features audio guided lessons that are indexed by topic.

Course participants can test their tech know-how through quizzes after each course, and also can download an e-book of each Business Technology Simplified course for offline reading.

Course participants who finish the online series will earn a certificate of completion from the SBA.  Business Technology Simplified adds to SBA’s growing interactive resource of digital learning courses offered by the SBA’s Online Learning Center at

Free courses also are offered on Starting a Business, Managing a Business, Financing, Marketing and Government Contracting.



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U.S. Small Business Administration