Archived news release MA16-25

National Small Business Week Spotlights Mile High City on May 4

DENVER – SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet will be in Denver on Wednesday, May 4 to kick-off day four of the National Small Business Week celebr...

DENVERSBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet will be in Denver on Wednesday, May 4 to kick-off day four of the National Small Business Week celebrations that are happening across the nation May 1-7.   SBA Regional Administrator Betsy Markey will join Contreras-Sweet to officially welcome the national event to Denver and the Rocky Mountain Region.  While in Denver, Contreras-Sweet will participate in a Celebrating Women in Small Business forum with Colorado’s prominent women entrepreneurs and leaders followed by an awards luncheon and a Latina’s in Business discussion at Azucar Bakery in Denver.  Onsite media coordinator will be Christopher Chavez –


Celebrating Colorado Women in Small Business forum (9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.)


SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

The Honorable US Congresswoman Diana DeGette

The Honorable US Congressman Edward Perlmutter

SBA Region VIII Administrator Betsy Markey

Fiona Arnold, Director of the Colorado Office of Economic Development


Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City – Denver Branch Office

1020 16th Street, Denver, CO 80202

(All media must RSVP for this event for security screening)


Colorado National Small Business Week Awards Luncheon (11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.)


SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

SBA Region VIII Administrator Betsy Markey

The Honorable Governor John Hickenlooper

Colorado Small Business Person of the Year award to Reed Silberman


History Colorado Center

1200 Broadway, Denver, CO  80203

To register for this event click here.


Coffee with the SBA Administrator (2:30 p.m.-4: p.m.)


SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

SBA Region VIII Administrator Betsy Markey

Executive Director of Mi Casa Resource Center, Monique Lovato

President/CEO, Colorado Enterprise Fund, Ceyl Prinster

Owner Marjorie Silva, Azucar Bakery



Azucar Bakery

1886 S. Broadway, Denver, CO 80210


RSVP:                        Christopher Chavez by Tuesday, May 3




Cosponsorship Authorization #SBW2016 SBA’s participation in this cosponsored activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any Cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA/SCORE programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.  Contact: SCORE is partially funded by SBA Cooperative Agreement No. SBAHQ-14-S-0001.

National Small Business Week 2016 sponsors include: Chase for Business, SCORE, ADP, Colonial Life, Intuit, Sam’ s Club, Square, YP, ESET, Facebook, Instagram, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders (NAGGL) and VEDC






Media contacts

U.S. Small Business Administration