Archived news release 16-35

SBA Deputy Administrator to Discuss Small Business Trends and the Impact of Tech and Film Industries on Entrepreneurs at Atlanta National Small Business Week Event

WASHINGTON – SBA Deputy Administrator Douglas Kramer will lead day two of National Small Business Week events in Atlanta with an arm chair discussion ...

WASHINGTON – SBA Deputy Administrator Douglas Kramer will lead day two of National Small Business Week events in Atlanta with an arm chair discussion on trends for small business and the current business industries that are experiencing a boom in the state. The conversation will include small business experts in a forum on the future of small business and what firms can foresee, business sectors that are on trend to be high performers and business startup trends for Atlanta, the state of Georgia and the Southeast region.

Featured panelists will include Todd Greene, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Jeff Patterson with the Georgia Small Business Development Center, Art Slotkin with Georgia SCORE, Lee Baker with Georgia AARP, and Tisha Tallman, with the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

The event will also feature breakout sessions on the up and coming industries and how small businesses can join the swell. The expert led discussions will highlight real-world topics that impact entrepreneurs, including The Tech Explosion, The Hollywood of the South- small business opportunities in the film industry outside of Hollywood, and the expansion of international trade and how small businesses can tap into opportunities created by the Savannah Harbor project. 


Georgia Tech Research Institute
250 14th Street NW
Atlanta, Ga.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 from 9 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. (EDT)

The Atlanta event will be live-streamed and is open to the public. Interested attendees can register for free at

Each year since 1963, the President has issued a proclamation designating National Small Business Week.  This year’s celebration will take place May 1-7 around the nation with events planned in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, New York, Denver, Phoenix and Oakland and San Jose, Calif.  The theme is “Dream Big, Start Small.” 

Other events throughout the week will be live-streamed on the SBA’s website.  There will also be the opportunity during events for live social media engagement using the hashtag #DreamSmallBiz.

For more information on National Small Business Week events, please visit


About the U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 and since January 13, 2012 has served as a Cabinet-level agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.  The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses.  Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, the SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.


Cosponsorship Authorization #SBW2016 SBA’s participation in this cosponsored activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any Cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA/SCORE programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.  Contact: SCORE is partially funded by SBA Cooperative Agreement No. SBAHQ-14-S-0001.

National Small Business Week 2016 sponsors include: Chase for Business, SCORE, ADP, Colonial Life, Intuit, Sam’ s Club, Square, YP, ESET, Facebook, Instagram, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders (NAGGL) and VEDC


Media contacts

U.S. Small Business Administration