Archived news release 16-19PR

SBA Participates in 2016 DyNet Conference

The 2016 Dynamic Networking for Small Business (DyNet) Conference is coming to the Robert H. Mollohan Research Center in Fairmont Wednesday, April 27,...

The 2016 Dynamic Networking for Small Business (DyNet) Conference is coming to the Robert H. Mollohan Research Center in Fairmont Wednesday, April 27, 2016. The federal and prime network event begins at 8:30 a.m. and is offered at no cost. 

The conference educates small businesses on how to do business with the federal government. Many workshops and presentations are planned, including the below offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s West Virginia District Office. To register, learn more about available workshops, see who is attending, and more visit

In attendance includes SBA's Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Natalia Olson-Urtecho. 

Teaming, Joint Ventures, Subcontracting & Mentor-Protégé Agreements in Today’s Changing Procurement Environment.

1:00 p.m. to  1:45 p.m.  

Presented by:  Hopewell H. Darneille III, Jackson Kelly PLLC and Melissa Loder, SBA. 

What is the WOSB Program and How Can it Help Me Plan, Position, Pursue and Possibly Win Contracts?

1:00 p.m. to  1:45 p.m.  

Presented by: Gloria Larkin, President, TargetGov, Education Foundation Chair, Women Impacting Public Policy and George Murray, Deputy District Director, WVDO, SBA

Start and Grow Your Small Business - for Veterans and Service Disabled Veterans
2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Presented by: Larry Batten, SBA Economic Development Specialist and Sommer Straight, Regional Contracting Assistance Center

Show Me The Money:  Financing Your Business and Exporting Options

3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Presented by: Rick Haney and Leo Lopez, Lender Relations Specialists from SBA, Tim James, Loan Officer, First Microloan of WV