
SBA 2009 White Paper on its Size Standards Methodology

On October 21, 2009 the SBA issued a revised White Paper on its Size Standards Methodology for comments.

The SBA's Size Standards Methodology White Paper (2009 version) explains how it establishes, reviews and modifies its small business size standards.  The SBA regularly revises its methodology and accepts comments from the public on how to identify and weigh the variables used in its methodology.  

October 21, 2009, SBA published a document in the Federal Register notifying the public that SBA's “Size Standards Methodology” White Paper (Methodology) is available on the SBA's website at​size for review and comments (74 FR 53940 (October 21, 2009). Specifically, in the notification and in all subsequent proposed rules revising size standards for various NAICS Sectors, SBA sought comments on a number of issues concerning its Methodology, such as whether there are alternative methodologies that SBA should consider; whether there are alternative or additional factors or data sources that SBA should evaluate; whether SBA's approach to establishing small business size standards makes sense in the current economic environment; whether SBA's applications of anchor size standards are appropriate in the current economy; whether there are gaps in SBA's Methodology because of the lack of comprehensive data; and whether there are other facts or issues that SBA should consider. The comment period for the Methodology was open from October 21, 2009 to September 30, 2015. The methodology outlined in the 2009 White Paper Methodology was followed in conducting SBA’s first comprehensive review of size standards. 

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