Recruiting and Retaining Members for Non-profits

Date and time





Heather Turner

Host organization

SCORE Granite Region

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Members are the backbone of many non-profit organizations. Recruitment and Retention are some of the most time consuming and hardest to manage tasks. We will give you some actionable tips to help your organization reach out and retain and acquire members.

In this workshop, we will cover the 10% rule, member expectations, member retention, member burnout, communicating with members, and member recognition. member personas for identifying new members, S.W.O.T. analysis of members and issues, We will also cover engaging members in decision-making and the ASK Principle (Ask questions, Seek to understand, Know how to listen), and more. 

Presenter Heather Turner is a Granite Region Certified SCORE mentor. She spent twenty years cooking professionally and in 2003 started her own business (with the assistance of a SCORE mentor). She teaches social media and marketing for small businesses and mentors and co-mentors in the chapter for marketing and social media for startup businesses and for existing businesses needing help and guidance in the digital age. She also specializes in working with the hospitality industry for operations, both starting a food business as well as in business.
