Pricing to Thrive

Date and time


Event cost




Host organization

CWE New Hampshire

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

As a business owner, you’re feeling torn: you need to charge clients for your services, and at the same time, you want as many clients as possible to be able to access your services. Ideal for both service and product-based businesses, this workshop will cover common pain points, show you how to price your services and, more importantly, how to talk about your pricing in a way that instills confidence and inspires people to say yes to working with you.

You’ll walk away with…

  • A service sheet that details what you’re charging for your service
  • Language for how to overcome objections related to pricing so that you can close more sales and feel good about selling

Language: English

Pre-Registration required. This is a live interactive workshop in Zoom. Replays will be available to those who register.

Instructor: Erin Allgood, 

Erin Allgood grew up with a fierce love of sustainability, a passion for women’s rights, and a commitment to social justice. As the founder of Allgood Strategies, Erin harnesses entrepreneurship as a vehicle for social change. Her clients include folx launching social enterprises, nonprofits looking to authentically communicate and carry out their missions, and businesses that want to align their values with their cultures, products, and/or services.

A lifelong Granite Stater, Erin resides in New Hampshire’s Seacoast region and works as a social impact strategist and coach. Drawing from her studies in systems thinking, intersectional feminism, and sustainability, Erin has a unique perspective on the role of the business and nonprofit sectors in creating a more resilient and equitable future.

 Please note that the seat availability function for our programs is not an accurate indicator of seat availability.

 **Space is limited please cancel your registration in eCenter by 10/8 if you can't make it so we can offer your spot to another client.
