Protecting Your Business from Cyber Attacks

Date and time





ted galantowicz

Host organization

Buffalo Niagara SCORE

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

The internet has made the process of reaching out to customers increasingly easy for businesses, it has exposed business sensitive data and systems to hackers seeking to exploit loopholes.

 There is a common mindset among small and medium sized businesses that "I really shouldn't worry, I'm such a small target.” This mindset as well as the ease of automation has made it increasingly easy for hackers to target small and medium-sized businesses because of poor security practices. Hackers consider these businesses as "easy pickings" because they are more easily compromised and are less likely to be discovered. 

Cyber breaches can be devastating in that they can result in financial losses, reputation damage, legal liability, loss of customer and stakeholder trust, productivity losses, and even the potential for going out of business. Prevention is the best way to reduce the risk of harm from attackers.

Join us for this free webinar and learn how to prepare your systems and your team to reduce the risks of cyber-attacks from bad actors who wish to do harm by stealing credentials or taking over your systems.
