Conoce a los Prestamistas

Date and time



Laman Public Library
2801 Orange St.
North Little Rock, AR 72114

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Tania Martinez

Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

¿Te interesa un préstamo para empezar, hacer crecer o manejar mejor tu negocio? ¡Entonces esta oportunidad es justo para ti!

Acompáñanos a nuestro evento "Conoce a los Prestamistas" que se llevará a cabo en español. Tendrás la oportunidad de hacerle preguntas directamente a los expertos mientras te explican los detalles del financiamiento para negocios.

Expertos invitados:

  • Adriana Fuentes Archila, Arkansas Capital
  • Alex Hernandez, Hope Credit Union
  • Faviola Alba, Arvest Bank
  • Itzel Velazquez, Kiva Little Rock
  • Victor Rodriguez, First Security Bank

Moderadores: Tania Martinez, ASBTDC consultora bilingüe de negocios; Jorge Gonzalez, la Cámara de Comercio de North Little Rock

En colaboración con la Cámara de Comercio de North Little Rock


(English Translation)

Meet the Lenders 

Are you interested in a loan to start, grow, or better manage your business? Then this opportunity is just for you!

Join us for our "Meet the Lenders" event which will be held in Spanish. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the experts as they explain the details of business financing.

Guest Experts:

  • Adriana Fuentes Archila, Arkansas Capital
  • Alex Hernandez, Hope Credit Union
  • Faviola Alba, Arvest Bank
  • Itzel Velazquez, Kiva Little Rock
  • Victor Rodriguez, First Security Bank

Moderators: Tania Martinez, ASBTDC Bilingual Business Consultant; Jorge Gonzalez, North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce

Presented in collaboration with the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce

