Money Smart (Session 4 of 4) - Selling Your Business and Succession Planning

Date and time





Neil Subhash - Outreach and Marketing Specialist

Host organization

SBA Seattle District Office

Type of event

SBA event

Event description

While many businesses run for years, even over several generations, businesses do open and close all the time. When the time comes, knowing how to assess the value of a business, determine whether a business should be sold, and understanding the process are essential. 

Succession planning involves creating a plan for someone to either own or run your business after you retire, become disabled, or die. In simple terms, succession planning is the process of passing control of the business to others.

This session will include: 

  • How to change the ownership of a business through selling, closing, or handing the business to successors.
  • How to establish an exit strategy for retirement which includes a succession plan, transferring ownership of the business, and paying taxes.